
Edmame Day
Soy Me Edmame

Pickle Crazy!!

 Dill Pickles, Spicy Dills, Pickled Peppers, Pickled Green Tommy Toes, Pickled Pears, and Pear Preserves were all bubbling in the hot water bath all day. With the help of my lovely assistant and daughter Ebony, I washed, peeled, sliced, spiced, and sweetened jars from 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. I have not been this tired since giving birth to one of my children. My feet hurt, my back aches, my arms are on fire..... Sometimes I forget that I have an myopathy and that I can't do everything my feeble mind tells me I can. However, getting off that subject I am so satisfied to have completed this mega batch of cucumbers. Last week I thought you know what didn't' come up in the garden this year? Cucumbers!. I then proceeded to buy as many as my $15 dollars would allow they vendor to give me. It turned out to be a pretty large bag full of "My Choice". Today I'm thinking "What was I thinking?".  I have weeded a mountain of weeds and clipped another small mounta...

Leek and Potatoe Soup

The leeks are another vegetable that did extraodinary this year. If this pic does any justice to the soup my photography skills will have improved. After working out in the aquatics dept. Today I am so in need of a rich meal full of mmmmmm.

Tomatoe Preserves

So, what to do with all the cherry tomatoes ripening in your garden? Tomatoe preserves are what we made today. I was suspect about the recipe at first because I've only had savory dishes with tomatoes. Then I began the process and the flavors seemed to meld and develop into a smooth citrusy *Bam-Pow* flavor vacation. When this gels and cools I can't wait to pop the top and enjoy this treat with a nice hot roll, scone, or biscuit. The other two jars I'll tuck away for those cold cool days of fall and winter that are creeping in closer day by day.

Fried green tomatoes
