Honey Crisp Harvest 2016

Here is my crappy apple pic. Why? Well it's the last apple on our tiny tree that made it this long protected by a plastic baggy and an exasperated but vigilant urban grower. Its sole partner for the last month and a half got bitten and dropped carelessly to the ground yesterday. (Yep, the only two fruit out of twenty) Today this beauty of a Honey Crisp was on the ground. Only it wasn't as abused but still marred and obviously molested . Note that the dastardly squirrels have never shown any regard or respect for us or our produce. Tiny punctures and miniscule bite marks have been their hallmark this entire growing season. We have little to no eggplant, horribly chewed tomatoes, and mysteriously missing hot peppers. Honestly, the shock and rage I felt after no less than 9 of 10 mammoth sunflower plants were scaled and beheaded has yet to abate. I've indulged in foodie fantasies involving a family gathering southern style with platters full of freshly roasted squirrels over...