Then it was September
As a blogger there can be a little bit of guilt for not posting as regular as one would like... Speaking for myself that is. If there was a way to upload directly from my mind to this page you would experience all of the beautiful images and stories from past events I've attended starting with Community Garden day, to Open Streets Minneapolis, Food Truck Tuesdays & Movie in the Parks, the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, and then to the Minnesota State Fair. Besides these events children around the country have gone back to school including my own which has given me more or less "
the time" to grab a few moments to recap and catch you all up on my urban Ag Adventures.
So I'll give it a go and start where I left off with my Community Garden Day 2013 experience and in between my food preservation efforts you will get a glimpse into some of the ways Minneapolis grows together....
John Ghizoni, Ajani Boganey (A.J.), Greg McMoore, Ms. Irene Pleas, and Ron Leurquin pose in the garden. |
My day as an Ambassador for Gardening Matters included visiting three gardens here in south Minneapolis. The first garden I want to highlight here from my visits was Fresh Food on 4th, which is a collaborative effort made up of a team of entities and individuals that include:
St. Peter's AME church, Greater St. Paul's Church of God and Christ, St. Joan of Arch Church, The University of Minnesota Arboretum, Happy Acres Produce, Gardening Matters, The Community Table, Project Sweetie Pie, Afro Eco, and residents who live in or in and around the Bryant neighborhood
. The garden stewards of this community garden were busier than bees with chores ranging from weeding, watering, thinning and collecting beet greens, CSA site pick ups, as well as farmers market prep. In between tasks stewards and guests had the opportunity to get out of the sun to take respite in the office/shed space where we were given cool drinks and sampled collard greens provided by Mr. Greg McMoore. Besides collard greens two adventurous gardeners goaded each other into sampling purslane which
I've written about before in a post called Eat your backyard. It is an abundant green that is regaining popularity these days. However, it is still considered a "weed" by many around these parts which made for a very hilariously entertaining show of gastronomic strength during the event. I don't know if either guy will be adding this green to their salads any time soon but it was great being there to see them brave their way through it all the same. I tried to document this the best I could with a very shoddy camera, but you get the idea. Enjoy!
Ms. Irene Pleas a.k.a. Weed Control |
Youth Farmers with Ms. Pleas |
Greg McMoore with Ms. Irene Pleas |
Greg McMoore, Ms. Pleas, and Ron Leurquin |
Ms. Ladonna Redmond, and helper Curtis thinning beets |
Ladonna and Curtis |
Jeremiah Ellis sampling collard greens in the garden. |
Purslane from Fresh Food on 4th. |
Greg McMoore & Jeremiah Ellis brave their way through an on the spot purslane, parsley, and lemonade 'salad' |
NOTE: In my haste to make it to the other gardens I now realize that I did not get Curtis's last name. I will rectify that this week then update this post and remove this note when I have done so.
Happy Harvesting!
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