A table full of Table Queen

This is day one of garden clean-up. As you can see we had a bumper crop... Wait what is a bumper crop anyway? Pardon me as I digress, I just looked this up on Wikipedia and they refer to a Bumper Crop as: "In agriculture, a bumper crop refers to a particularly productive harvest yielded for a particular crop."

Not only did we produce a crazy amount of Table Queen Acorn Squash, we grew and harvested an amazing amount of pole beans (kentucky wonder I believe). We've enjoyed stir-fry, soup, casserole, and even green bean pickles. The latter being a huge hit in my and my brothers home. I am now down almost two jars; there happens to be approximately 5 beans floating in a nummy garlic dill brine in my refrigerator. I am way into the thick of it when it comes to putting food by these days. My kitchen is oober full of large pots, produce, and a couple scrap buckets that have reservations with the large compost bins out back. Are there any foods you're putting by these days? I'd really like to know so share what you are doing in your garden with me here today.

Happy Harvest Everyone!


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