1st official garden tour 2012 eats!
I've had absolutely no energy to even formulate coherentenough thoughts to blog lately. Could be the extreme heat the super humidity the work we've put in on repurposing our old wooden fence, cutting down a diseased maple, harvesting raspberries by the gallon bag, and cleaning the yard in general. Pick one or more of these things which make fore tired grumpy gals and gents. To cope we have cooled off at lakes or streams to just get away. I promise pics of the garden later which there will be several updates to discuss. Especially the peas which are now spent, the squah which is kickinginto high gear, a super sized tomatillo plant with no fruit, and two scraggly small red noodle long bean plants. For now please enjoy pics from a small garden tour I had with a guest Mallory from Gardening Matters a neighbor, and in-laws who came through later. I wasn't in the mood for sweets yesterday but today my mouth is remembering the lemon bars from A Bakers Wife. Those guys and girls rock over there. Everything I've had has been top notch. I'm thinking we should have an Anniversary party this year with trays of American Teacakes. I don't know, that was just another random delicious thought, don't mind me... Just be sure to come back for my garden updates soon.
Stay cool and happy in your garden!
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