Ginormous Chocolate Cherry Tomatoes

Next to the supersweet cherry tomatoes, the chocolate cherry tomatoes are beasting it in the garden this year. For what ever reason be it a mild winter (NOT!!!), cooler than normal temperatures in the compost bin, or just a simple act of God; we have had hundreds of viable and healthy tomato plants popping up all over the place. Too many to do anything with ourselves, so we gave away all but a handful of seedlings.  Every time we put compost around our other veggies we have new seedlings popping up. I feel so bad when this happens because there is no way these newcomers will make it to fruting before a frost which will happen sooner than later.

Anyhow, I tried to show you the size of these little brown beasts that have ripened with a sweetness unmatched by holding up a quarter. Not only are they larger, more vibrant in color, and more productive this year. They are much sweeter and more greatly prized in this house at least more than last years. Right now I can hear my mother in-law cringe at the thought of the squirrels ravaging her "babies". LOL She has errected a 3 foot wire fence around hers to keep the buggers out.  Last week she kept asking "Are you sure those are the chocolate cherry? They're so big" I gave my usual "yes maam", and chuckled because this truly has been a gift.  Last year we (myself, daughter, and mother in-law) raced to what now seems like "the two puny plants" to snatch up the first little brown cherries we saw. Now we can sit back with a sigh of relief because we really are reaping the good that we sowed. I will be saving every seed I can. I promise not to eat them all!!!


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