Weeding weeding....We....Ding!!!
Today we are getting rid of the excess tasty Borage that has so generously volunteered itself all over the place. We will be trying this tasty bee food in a variety of ways this year and will keep you posted. Both the leaves and the fowers are edible and nutritious. We have several people picking these extra volunteers up today for their gardens and will probably have more than enough later in the season for those who are interested in trying this gardeners friend. Who can get enough of Tulips? I can't!!!! They are all doing their thing in the garden as well and I couldn't be happier. After having 2 years of bald patchy soil we are blessed with an abundance of blooms that the dog hasn't trampled yet. OH JOY!!!! The Pagoda Dogwood is lifting up it's beautiful leaves and saying bring on the heat Lord bring it on I'm ready. I'll give you a quick inventory of what is up and holding on in the garden. Peonies, Walking Onions, Bugle Weed (love the stuff can't get enough), Phlox, Tulips, Borage, Lemon Balm, Butterfly plant, Black Eyed Susan has sprung up, Blackberry Lillies, Hostas, Lily of the Valley, Jack in Pulpit is on his way, and it looks like the Black Holly Hocks are going to bloom this year. YAY Spring!!!
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