
Showing posts with the label weeding

What haven't I done?

The answer to the question is update this blog with what's really going on in the garden.... So I have been promising an update for weeks now and here is what I've got.  I know that I am not the only one out there who is having a busier than a bee summer right? Luckily I have remembered to at least have my camera phone on the ready for what I think are amazing pictures. Today I finally have a little time to share with you. The family has been getting and eating Romanesco squash, Peas, Green Tomatoes, Raspberries up the whazoo, basil, cabbage, and the list goes on and on.  Also with the gardening has come our first official tour of the year with beverages and snacks, and great conversation. To prepare for this the whole family had to pitch in to do some prep and repair work on an old fence, securing posts for the compost bin and updating the broken lattice work. Never ending weeding.... Watering, re-homing some plants who were'nt doing well ( sweet peppers and egg plant

Weeding weeding....We....Ding!!!

Who likes to weed? I don't know anyone who likes it but it is essential to the health of plants you do want Not to let those plants you don't want steal valuable sun and nutrients from the soil. Today we are getting rid of the excess tasty Borage that has so generously volunteered itself all over the place. We will be trying this tasty bee food in a variety of ways this year and will keep you posted. Both the leaves and the fowers are edible and nutritious. We have several people picking these extra volunteers up today for their gardens and will probably have more than enough later in the season for those who are interested in trying this gardeners friend. Who can get enough of Tulips? I can't!!!! They are all doing their thing in the garden as well and I couldn't be happier. After having 2 years of bald patchy soil we are blessed with an abundance of blooms that the dog hasn't trampled yet. OH JOY!!!! The Pagoda Dogwood is lifting up it's beautiful leaves a