
Anniversary Cake 2011

Every few year for 11 years a local bakery Buttercream Wedding Cakes has been getting our business. The cake they made for our wedding years ago is still all people talk about when the topic of our union comes up. They not only have amazing cake, but excellent customer service. I was at a loss for decorating this years cake so I left it up to them. They came through with a beautiful clean design that tastes AMAZING! The DH is digging in with a fat wedge and I and the kids will follow suit shortly. So with that said it's my anniversary and I am getting my updates done early so the festivities can begin. Eat Local People! It's so delicious!

Actual picture of dinner

Summer salad with grilled pattypan, heirloom tomatoes, and cucumbers with fragrant jasmine rice and ribs. Dinner is served.

Summer Supper

I figure our summer grillin days are really numbered and what would make supper super today more than fresh heirlooms from the garden? So hooray for the 1st pineapple, and black krim tomatoes making their debut.
Happy Planting and sunning your self in the garden!

I'm working on a new preserves flavor...

Yes those are plums but there are mystery items involved as well. More to come in a later post whether it's a success or a failure. Good Nite!

Our first pattypan squash yum!

I've been waiting all summer for these beautiful tasty squash to ripen. But, after it turned cool on us I thought for sure I'd missed the mark on these. The plants are gynormous and there were male blooms galore. However the female blooms were no-where to be seen until just a week and a half ago. Now the little she's are popping open all over the squash patch. I have been purposely not buying squash at the market as I skulked by jealosly gawking at their pleantiful trays. I didn't go so far as to wish borers on them but felt like an envious red headed step child watching the fat kids eat cake at the garden party. What is their secret? Alas my fare weather people answered that for me in the paper last week. It's all about location, location location this year. Some of us were too wet some were too dry and all of us were too hot. Not to mention slugs,boreres, and japanese beetles... Now I fall into the lucky category and have been able to actually and literally eat th

Blackberry Jam is finito!


Our CSA & Urban farm adventure

For a few years now we have heard from our closest friends all the benefits of finding a CSA and how it helps local farmers as well as the community and of course us to feed ourselves and family's. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. This is a movement that allows consumers to buy locally grown seasonal food directly from farmers by pre-purchasing shares. Shares are bundles or boxes of a variety of produce. Shares can contain everything from vegetables and fruit to meat and cheese. Now that I have become educated and in the know, I for one will stand up every chance I get to support them. However getting the DH to agree to it is an entirely different animal. (ie. think husband agree to prepay hundreds of dollars for food he can't see in fridge). Since I am the main shopper and home chef in this family I ultimately took the lead and forced the issue. We took the plunge and delved into the CSA pool early this spring. I tried very hard to be proactive and find one th