
Showing posts from May, 2013

It's All About Coming Together In May!

Spicy Italian Polish From Tollefson Family Pork - MPLS Farmers Market It's officially spring when the  Farmers Markets  start opening one by one. Each market around the city has their own distinctive personality. The treats, treasures, and specialties vary so widely that you have to visit more than just one to find your staple vendor(s). Minnesotans by and large are a hardy bunch. We have our own brand of crazy and creative. If there is something new to experience we will come out en  masse  rain or shine, sleet or snow with shovel in hand to support the arts, good food, community, and a plethora of causes.  I've gotten so caught up in trying to do it all that I have not left enough time in the day to update you all on the going- ons  around town. That is until now....  For starters, today the Midtown Farmers Market opened up and I have to say that the food trucks are a very welcome sight to my near-sighted eyes. Two of the v...